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General Discussion

@Burnside you're a staunch Tory right? You've got some audacity to bang on about corruption by other parties. e.g. Cameron and the Panama papers.

1 May 2017

@Gary Taylor if you read the links to articles by monbiot and gilbert in open democracy you'd see the reservations about corbyn that i also share. I think Corbyn is a principled and his values are sound as are his points, I think he needed to be far more ruthless with the Blairites and failed to transform the Labour party and explain why neoliberalism has failed. You don't know what ...

30 Apr 2017

@HuwMatthews2 You asked me who I was 'looking to bring into power'; I take it you mean 'vote for' as I have no real influence with one vote over who gains power and who does not. You see one side of the conflict in Northern Ireland, I have family who died at the hands of the British. Are you from Northern Ireland? My relatives would suggest it was not your war to fight. Corbyn ...

30 Apr 2017

The Open Democracy article I referenced above explains where Labour went wrong on Brexit. Bit of a long read but worth it. Corbyn was unable as a leader to challenge the Blairites and criticize 40 years of cross party politics in this country and expalin the root causes of austerity. Brexit occupied that space and peddled their own misinformation, blaming the EU, immigrants, etc just as the ...

30 Apr 2017

Clearly the LIb Dems are 'dead in the water' if like they all make statements like 'The Conservatives will undoubtedly win'. That is so negative. That is so defeatist. If you give in before the contest has even begun how can you claim ' but they will get the biggest kicking from the Lib Dems'? Do you mean the Lib Dems will become an effective opposition party? Very doubtful. ...

We're not on the same page. The more roads, the more cars, it's a vicious circle. I'd have to dig out the papers and stats from my planning stuff. What jobs exist in Exeter. I refuse to acknowledge any stats that include zero-contract hours, something which was introduced by the Tory/Lib Dem coalition. Even Exeter's central Library is staffed by volunteers. What jobs? If ...

@HuwMatthews2 I'll refer to that same article: I'd vote for a progressive alliance which pledged to introduce PR and abolish the House of Lords. If the Lib Dems were part of that alliance that would probably be the only time I'd vote for them, tactically, in a ...

@HuwMatthews2 If you're interested here's a good link expalining why Brexit happened and the events since the 1970s which have led to it and austerity.

30 Apr 2017

Is it not the done thing on this site to question or criticize the Lib Dem DCC candidates' campaign? Should I not mention the state of the town, austerity and the environment on here? Do people not like to hear about food banks or the homeless? Are we in denial? Is this thread really just about who wins? Power and control? Refrerring to the public as 'the roost' to be 'ruled ...

General Election
30 Apr 2017

Absolutely and welders!

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