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General Discussion

The Town's Future

28 Nov 2013 10:33

How should Dawlish develop over the next few years?

Should there be more developments such as the new Strand, Sainsbury's, out of town restaurants, supermarkets, more housing estates, etc


Should the town stay as it is now?


28 Nov 2013 11:05

Only way the Strand will be pleasant is without cars ..but they wont let that happen... so meanwhile other towns flourish where no cars. 

3 Agrees
28 Nov 2013 11:14

Yep totally agree. The Strand would be so nice without the vehicles.

2 Agrees
28 Nov 2013 11:39

You all know that wont happen as there is not room for large lorries to negotiate the right hand turn from Queen Street to the High Street and we need more parking not less.  Who in there right mind would park in the Barton car park on a winters day and the struggle back with shopping it would drive more folk to Sainsburys.  You have to accept that folk dont want to walk they want convenience that means parking as close to shops as possible doing there shopping as fast as they can and driving home.  Yesterday i wanted cards from Bastins i went round three times no parking so went to Sainsburys convenience thats the name of the game.

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 11:53

leatash - but going round town three times then driving to Sainsburys doesn't make economical sense!  Surely there was parking somewhere in the town - Brunswick Place, Marine Parade or Barton car park.  They can't all have been full on a Wednesday in November!

Or was it more likely that you would have had to pay to park somewhere other than in The Strand? Probably a similar amount to the fuel used!!!

(If you're unable to walk far then fair enough...)

28 Nov 2013 11:57

Oh, forgot original point!

Dawlish needs to change to keep apace of changing shopping and social habits.  With more housing being built then more facilities are going to be demanded.

Shop and cafe owners need to adapt or they won't survive - e.g. Ten Green Bottles in The Strand, went from an evening dining venue to a 'boutique' gift shop.  Or The Ugly Duckling, found a demand for homecooked meals to be delivered and have done a great job building that side of the business.

Dawlish can't keep looking to the past and not embracing change, that's just bonkers!


2 Agrees
28 Nov 2013 12:11

Duckileaks There was no parking in the Strand i dont want to walk from Brunswick car park i could but dont want to.  When i shop i want convenience as do most folk park as close as possible shop and go.  Its not that i am lazy i walk 8 or 10 miles daily but when i shop i want convenince and thats what Sainsburys offer.  As for what do we need better shops more parking and if thats not possible then more out of town shopping in other words CONVENIENCE

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 12:20

OK. The Strand has recently been updated and a great job done. What about more development out of town perhaps a drive through near Sainbury's.

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 12:51

Lorries currently negotiate High Street to Queen Street and coaches from Brumswick to the main car park or to the right reverse the traffic outwards in High Street,  Inwards into town via Brunswick with free parking along there people can just walk over the lawn. Straind is then car free and links to the lawn.

Coop still to deliver at the rear so no problem there.

Any parcels can be easily be walked over the lawn ...but as you all say the shops are no good so there wont be many deliveries then.

Do think people make a big issue about cars, I've never had one, not by choice, you have to work and live to fit, have no problem with trains and buses and always walk a mile or so with bags of shopping.  As I say look at other towns doing well .. .the crowds in High Street Exeter for example and not a car anywhere!

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 14:00

How come Dawlish doesn't have any marine facilities?  There are plenty of boats between the Exe and Torquay - is it out of the question to build a marina or moorings or something that might draw the boating community into the town?

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 14:19


That's the best suggestion I've seen on this site for ages. Nice one.

28 Nov 2013 15:16

A man-made breakwater, like the one at Plymouth, would create many opportunities for marina developments as well as saving Network Rail a pile of money on upkeep of the present sea wall.

Although at the present time I can not see anyone spending that amount of money, unless we steal funds from HS2.

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 15:53

For some reason Teignbridge seem to be really against marine facilities around Dawlish.  The ski-ing lane is often situated in the same place as the lobster pots and you have to go all the way to Teignmouth Polly Steps to launch.  I can't see them spending the money although it would be lovely.

Re the shops; they don't pull me as they do in Teignmouth where I'm happy to park and walk.  I generally want to nip in and out in Dawlish so it tends to be on the way to somewhere else.  I'm afraid these days the Christmas Market is about the only thing that will make me park and walk.  I don't have an issue with traffic through the Strand though.  I don't see how this would improve things.  There's plenty of pavement now.

1 Agree
28 Nov 2013 16:26

Marina is a good idea but I dont know if the sea is a bit too rough for it at times.

I have always thought a regular ferry to and from Dawlish to Exmouth would be popularand add on Torquay in high summer with a proper timetable. Would bring people to each all gain.

28 Nov 2013 16:58

As a yacht owner i have always wondered why there are no moorings at Dawlish if the wall at boat cove was extended for 700yds and some dredging it would make a great marina and boat owners spend money.

6 Agrees
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