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General Discussion

OK, Slight Change Of Plan Again!

General Discussion
General Discussion
09 Dec 2010 10:41

Rather than not post at all on Facebook I will just post the new subjects then users can comment on here or Facebook. Eventually I will see if I can synchronise them.

By the way, there are no security issues following on Facebook. does not have access to your Facebook account. It could, but it would have to ask you first.

General Discussion
General Discussion
09 Dec 2010 10:41

Also, the idea is that you would follow us on Twitter, Facebook or the Feed (in orange) and you wouldn't really wan't to follow us on all 3 because you would get the same information and links to the information 3 times.

Also for any other social or bookmarking sites we hook into in the future.

By the way, there are a lot of users shown on the feeds that have signed up but these are not shown on the home page. This is because these are users (perhaps bots even) that have signed up but not verified their email addresses.

I'll probably delete these accounts after a while if they do not get verified.

That's it for now I think.

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