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General Discussion

The problem with charging to get in is that the organisers then need to delineate what is 'In' and what is not. That requires barriers of some sort and 'policing' the boundary. Both cost money which the organisers can't afford to put up front with no guarantee of a return. The bucket colections that the RBL do are not very well subscribed if you take into account the number of people there. In ...

@Lynne (again!) That's just daft. Private landlords are not all profiteers. Many have worked all their lives in jobs that provide no pension other than that guaranteed by the state. They have provided for themselves by buying property, often on a mortgage or with an inheritance, and now you want them to sell it for social housing? They are already being creamed by local councils ...

Dawlish Celebrates
17 May 2013

Apparently the RBL are putting up a Kindle Fire on their raffle boards. Now that is something worth winning and speculating a few quid on! Hi Chef. I could have done with you within days of you leaving; one of my chefs broke her arm! Don't fancy coming back for a few weeks do you?lol

I work for an independent HA/RSL and must stress that what I put on here does not necessarily reflect the views of that not for profit organisation or those of the unpaid/no expenses committee that runs it. If you Google my name I'm sure you'll be able to come up with who/what I work for. "Apparently" Newham sent out a round robin? "Which make me wonder why you didn't check out it's ...

17 May 2013

@Lynne . i did write it and have no idea where you are coming from or going to on that! What more can I tell you other than that we were approached by a London Borough Council about our housing stock? There is nothing more to tell! I have never met nor conversed with a County Councillor called Claire Wright and was blissfully ignorant of her existence until I found the above link. ...

16 May 2013

@Lynne . Who mentioned Dawlish Town Council? Who mentioned Teignbridge District Council? Why am I answerable to you? Who made you Sheriff? Who made an allegation? I stated correspondence that 'we' have received. Your quote does not reflect the concerns stated to me by a County Councillor last week. I suppose you want evidence of all of this Your Honour? Why don't we just ...

I've been on both sides of the fence - private landlord and in the social sector. Wherever it's been no one likes paying money to the LL be it private or social. The big questions are: What is the alternative to private landlords? Homelessness? There isn't enough social housing to go round. Should we build more? Yes...Of course we should but that will take time. Where should it be ...

Lynne, just a few: www. homechoice uk / ‎ www.northyorkshire homechoice .org. uk / › Housing › Finding a Home ‎ www.kent homechoice .org. uk / ‎ www.birmingham homechoice .org. uk / ‎ www.bucks homechoice .gov. uk / www.oxfordshire homechoice .org. uk / www.hampshire homechoice .org. uk / ‎ ...

15 May 2013

There are 'Home Choice' schemes right across the country. Many, if not most, counties have gone that way. I heard today (and would like to stress that this is only hearsay) that 100s of houses in the new build developments around Exmouth have been bought up by Liverpool City Council and another midlands/northern city council (whose name escapes me - possibly Manchester). I expect the ...

15 May 2013

That's only one of them Lynne.

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