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Lynne's Posts


@HuwMatthews2 : Not sure how, if this development is given the go ahead, that it will improve Commons Lane.  From looking at the planning documents it seems that access to it will be from the south via Sutton Close.  Sutton Close residents may be non too happy about the construction site traffic accessing the site via Sutton Close? Still, do you think any objections on their part will make the ...

and then if you click on this link and look at No 2 Langdon sites you will see, marked in red, the land finally being considered (or not, we await to see ) as development sites for the emerging Local Plan that will be put out for public consultation in a couple of months time. Is there any overlap between the land ...

6 Nov 2022

If you click on this link and look at the photo to the upper right hand side you will see the location of this proposed housing development. Look at the inner circle at about the one/ two o'clock mark. See those white buildings? That's Langdon Hospital. The darker shade is the location of Gatehouse Farm, Secmaton Farm and the Persimmon sites. Already ...

This is on the agenda at the next Dawlish town council planning committee meeting being held on Thursday 10th November

22/01923/OUT | Outline application for a exceptions site with 4 First Homes (approval sought for access and scale) | Land Adjacent To Sutton Close Dawlish Devon EX7 0DS Web Link:

See page 7 latest issue of Dawlish Gazette.

Oh and........even if the link road were to be completely in situ linking the Gatehouse end with the Sainsbury's roundabout end I understand that construction traffic would not be compelled to use it. Ergo lots of construction traffic could still be using the Elm Grove area when Gatehouse Farm and Secmaton Farm get developed.