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General Discussion

General Election
24 Apr 2017

Does Paul Nutall's ban mean I won't be able to wear my Balaclava in the winter time? Will children and adults be allowed to wear Halloween masks? Are masquerade balls to be made illegal? What if you're a bit kinky, can you wear a gimp mask under UKIP law?

thanks @Lynne , interesting reading. i wonder how the code of conduct for councillors differs? Seems some don't practice what they preach to others. These 2 points stand out; " Member obligations When a member of the Council acts, claims to act or gives the impression of acting as a representative of the Council, he/she has the following obligations. 1. ...

24 Apr 2017

How come? The breakdown of society, an ideology of austerity, a lack of compassion, desparation., political apathy., crime as a last resort, drug abuse as a means of temporary escapism from a harsh reality.. leading to an unsafe environment...same story all across fragmented Britain. The amount of agrees to the original post is not a great advert for Dawlish

So only 3 remaining Independent Councillors now then. Doesn't the Town Council have a code of conduct? Aren't members of the public informed that they need to conduct themselves with decorum if attending meetings? Smacks of hypocrisy.

Hello, new here, but quite confused. if normal protocol is for the deputy mayor to become the next mayor (as highlighted by @Gary Taylor ) then why in this case is there an election instead? @HuwMatthews2 mentioned how mr price was ousted by voices of dawlish and that it was an irregular but not unprecedented event. So why is the Deputy Mayor being opposed? Is Cllr Wrigley ...

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