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BOO HOO's Posts

@Carer ... racism works both ways, but in generral the law does not.

@burnside...indeed and what did our government do?

6 Jun 2020

More than 160,000 allied troops landed on the shoreline of France to fight nazi Gemany. what happened in central London today?

Every life matters, why does it have to come down to skin colour. more black people are killed every year by other black people than by white cops, so an article...THE NEED TO DISCUSS BLACK ON BLACK the NATIONAL  REVIEW...,but no one seems to be committing criminal damage and assault for those crimes.

My neighbour, as i have banged on about before, is getting up to 2 deliveries of shopping a week. i assume its because he is over 70, but he goes out in his car after the deliveries to the garden centre and shops. he goes out in his car at least 2 to 3 times a day and has had family and friends round in his front and back gardens numerous times during lockdown standing right next to them. ...

Those billions of £'s have gone into pockets they don't just disappear into the ether. I am just waiting for the announcement that vat will have to be increased to 25 percent. Oh.......and wait for it m.p's have a substantial payrise to cover their inconvenience for having to endure the covid saga.

A peaceful walk along the beach and bird sanctuary at Dawlish Warren early this morning.

Appreciated webmaster.

26 May 2020

For some reason I cannot post the pics the right way up, so you will have to stand on your head to view them correctly. Looks like more jets in the sky

Boris's decision over this self righteous sausage will haunt him to the next general election.