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Dawlish News

Saw some pretty solid collapsible trolleys in asda newton Abbott that would fit the bill. They fold out into fair size 4 wheel trolleys with sides and then concertina to a smaller size when not needed. A couple of those might be the answer. Shame to seem them go.

Missing Man Dawlish
17 May 2019

A pic might help to identify him.

The only way to confirm what has really happened is to record the incidents. This is the only evidence the courts will accept.

I am sure one of the DDC will be up their pretty sharpish with some dodgey i.d. to claim it...ha ha ha ha!

Cannot see the application on Teignbridge planning web site yet although the area in question is highlighted in red. From the illustration on the news article the extended height wall is only from the station towards boat cove not the section between red rock cafe (as it use to be known and the Dawlish station!

In the 15 years I have lived in Dawlish the town's essential services have become ever more scarce. Prohibition notices have been placed around the town to stop the minority of idiots, vagrants and alcoholics from being an annoyance, but as zero enforcement takes place they just paint the town as a problem area to visitors. Banks in the town started to close and last year Lloyds, the only ...

It's an entirely different attitude, by those in charge, when you have worked most of your life and then end up going into signon for a few weeks. I know I have been on the receiving end of the job centre staff's third degree attitude on several occassions each time I have been made redundant. If only they had this attitude towards those that have been on large benefits for decades and even ...

Anne Marie Morris MP - lights, camera, my opinion.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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