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Raggety's Posts

I thought my reply to the dog pooh posting was quite funny, but Jenny, so is yours. All this talk about pooh reminds me of an old tasteless joke when someone asks you which hand you wipe your bum with. You're meant to answer neither, I use toilet paper.

21 Oct 2005

The Case of the Dog Excreta.(the can of worms has been opened again).Might even be some in the dog pooh. Imagine it, a whole caseful, wouldn't want to step in that. Sure, they have to go, as long as their owners clear it up. Which they should. Back in September, I was sat eating outside in the Old Mill with my wife, and a dog pebble dashed the pavement right by the entrance. Lovely squit. I was ...

18 Oct 2005

Yeah, but only between the ages of 20 - 49!!!! (Just to upset all those gorgeous ladies 50 and over)

Not sure there is one. If you've ever watched TV's Rogue Traders then you'll probably never get any work done by a builder.Mind you, they call themselves Property Renovators or Property Maintenance now.Not plain builders.(Even the most basic jobs now have a posh title to accompany it). Best way is to ask others who have had work done and are happy with it.Ask the company if they have any letters ...