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General Discussion

The kind of people who write on this forum aren't "get up and goers" they would much rather sit on their fat arses and complain about what other people are or aren't doing. If it's proactive peole you want you're barking up the wrong. There, i said it. Comlain about that you lot.

HOORAY FOR CURSADER....someone talking some sense. people of Holcombe SHOULD get out more. There is a perfectly good bus service. Use it. If it IS the only shop in Holcombe surely you need to venture into town to get shopping etc? so, do your pensions at the same time! It's not rocket science. Things change. Get over it. i think from now on i'm going to be re-named Cursaders Fan. At least until i ...

A light hearted thread... Has it lost it? I've just watched it and France (bearded female backing singers) and Bosnia (Cindy Lauper and the washing line) were the only ones to make me laugh. Are they getting too serious? Your thoughts....

I've just been watching the Eurovision Song Contest and i'm sure Osama was amongst the backing singers in the French entry...

the youth of today
21 May 2008

Bob, You talk alot about "cripple Cock" you and Viaduct only need one more mate and we've got ourselves a "Tripple Cock"

Big Issue!
20 May 2008

Oh Viaduct. I'm not sure anymore whether you actually AGREE with what you write or you just like to be controversial, either way you're not doing yourself any favours. Stick with what you know, mate...

19 May 2008

Oh God... Are you just going to pick on everything? They have housing benefit to put a roof over their heads, but they have to start somewhere. You can't get housing benefit unless you have an address to send it to and you can't get an address without housing benefit. it's a catch 22. Think about that while sitting in front of your cosy fire with your cosy slippers...

19 May 2008

What makes you think I have friends who sell BI? Another assumption you've jumped to? People who sign on are allowed to make a certain amount of money before it effects their benefits, I think its about £15. I can't imagine they make much more than that, if they do, well, shall we just assume they are above board and declare it.

19 May 2008

Yes you are barking up the wrong tree. It's not about who's to blame, only that it's happened and that they are trying to do something about it.

17 May 2008

Can I assure you i AM only person. I accidently forgot to put my name in a post i sent and it came up as Anon. Granted, you will never see me and them in the same room at the same time, but we ARE two people. All I have been trying to do is stick up for the BI seller. People are saying they are all drug takers etc.... I'm saying they aren't. Still, it made for a good thread

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