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General Discussion

3 Nov 2015

PLEASE SIGN I support public display of fireworks and would like the government to ban the sales of fireworks to the general public. The firework season (which goes on for much longer than one night) causes animals great distress, many dogs and cats are deathly afraid of fireworks. The rural community has long been concerned for livestock and horses, many of whom bolt and injure themselves ...

To be honest I am totally fed up with wasting my breath trying to warn and educate people just what is in store. I have come to learn that people only want to take their head out of the sand when it is forced out and they too find themselves in need of help, or something they rely on is no longer there. Over the coming months it will be very interesting to see just how many people, who ...

22 Jun 2015

Do working people think that all people on benefits NEVER worked. That they have always spent their life on benefits. REALLY ? Well there are highly qualified people on benefits. There are people who have paid their taxes for years. People who have paid into the system so that other people don't starve and have support. Hard-working people. Then one day something happened that turned their ...

0.9% of government spending is actually on unemployment benefit. 1.6% we pay our politicians. 3.9% on rents for employed people as well as unemployed.  3.9% in child benefit.  4.2% to the police, courts & prisons.  4.4% in tax credits. 6.9% to sick & disabled. 7% to pay debt to other countries (excluding what they pay us for debts to uk). The biggest public spending goes to pensions 16.5% and ...

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